Apa itu marketing? Silahkan googling, Anda akan menemukan banyak definisi. Namun, biasanya para marketer serta buku-buku akademis dan panduan marketing mengacu pada definisi AMA (The American Marketing Association), yakni: Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
Dari definisi tersebut, kita bisa melihat bahwa marketing itu sebuah proses berjalan (ongoing process). Lingkungan marketing pun dinamis lantaran pasar cenderung berubah — apa yang diinginkan pelanggan hari ini bukan berarti apa yang mereka inginkan besok. Sebagai contoh, penjualan daging di AS menurun karena konsumen mulai berorientasi sehat.
Proses ini mulai dari planning (perencanaan) hingga implementing (eksekusi) dari rencana, serta melibatkan beberapa komponen dasar 4P. Marketer misalnya, membantu merancang produk agar sesuai dengan kehendak pasar. Marketer juga memikirkan distribusikan produk, agar secara efisien sampai ke tangan konsumen. Marketer juga harus mempromosikan produk. Selain itu, marketer juga menentukan harga produk agar produk tersebut terserap pasar. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, dalam banyak kasus, penjualan korporat berkorelasi negatif dengan harga produk. Makin mahal harganya, makin kecil kebutuhan pasarnya. Oleh karena itu, marketer perlu terlibat dalam hal harga agar bisa memaksimalkan profit dan meningkatkan kebutuhan konsumen terhadap produk melalui berbagai cara komunikasi.
Namun, definisi di atas kini tidak tepat lagi. Internet telah mengubah cara konsumen berkomunikasi. Beberapa tahun lalu, perusahaan dapat berkomunikasi secara massal via media tradisional (teve, cetak dan radio) . Kini, konsumen sudah memiliki perilaku baru dalam hal konsumsi media. Internet kini sudah menjadi bagian hidup konsumen, kecuali menonton teve, membaca koran/majalah, atau mendengarkan radio. Perilaku konsumen berinternet ini lebih kompleks ketimbang perilaku menggunakan media tradisional. Pengguna Internet misalnya, lebih interaktif. Posisi mereka juga semakin kuat karena kemampuannya membanding-bandingkan produk via Internet. Kecuali itu, mereka juga saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain melalui social networking.
Silahkan baca postingan saya yang lalu mengenai kecenderungan ini:
- Sadarlah Wahai Para Pemasar dan Pehumas, Kini Anda Menghadapi Konsumen dan Publik Langsung
- Pencatat Amal Baik dan Buruk Merek itu Bernama Google
Barangkali itu sebabnya AMA akhirnya harus membuat definisi baru mengenai Marketing yang dirilis Januari 2008. Kini definisi tersebut menjadi:
“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large“
Ada tiga hal yang berubah di definisi tersebut.
Pertama, marketing bukan lagi functions, tapi activity.
Kedua, marketing bukan hanya proses untuk creating, communicating, delivering, tetapi juga proses untuk exchanging. Perubahan ini saya duga karena dipicu oleh semakin menguatnya posisi konsumen karena Internet.
Ketiga, target market marketing bukan hanya customers, clients dan partners, tetapi juga masyarakat luas (society at large).
. Rata-rata [...]
Auto2000 kembali membuktikan komitmennya untuk memberikan kemudahan pada pelanggan. Tepatnya pada tanggal 11 januari lalu Auto2000 membuka cabang yang ke 74 di Tuban. Dengan dibukanya cabang Auto2000 ke 74, masyarakat kota Tuban dapat lebih merasakan layanan dan program-program inovasi kami sehingga mampu membuat pelanggan lebih puas,” ujar Jodjana J, Chief Executive Auto2000 dalam acara grand [...]

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2012, LG Patok Pertumbuhan 50% Pada TV Panel Layar Datar

The Power of Affirmations

Community Advertisement

Ekspansi, Kepercayaan, dan Inspirasi

Brand Mindset

6 Penyebab Kegagalan Membangun Customer Database

The Power of One

New Year Fortune ACE Indonesia

The embattled U.S. Postal Service (USPS) faces a host of new challenges, several of which threaten to directly impact marketers. However, many who rely on direct mail say that in spite of the tumult, they'll wait and see how things pan out before altering marketing strategy.
Online ads expected to thrive in 2012
January 01, 2012
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Learn Social Network Marketing…Forget All The Other Hype And Learn The Truth
Before I get started let’s clearly define what “Social Network Marketing” is. Well for the purpose of this training Social Network Marketing is being able to build your network marketing business or home based business using different social networks. Both offline and online. Not just using WEB 2.0 like facebook, twitter and youtube but also offline strategies like, friends, business networks and organisations.
Social Network Marketing is simply learning how to be social in all environments so that you are able to attract to you the people you are looking for to be a part of your business or purchase your product.
I have been in the home based business (network marketing) industry now since 1998. All with the same company, I guess in my mind, when you have found the right one and you trust them why would you ever leave! I have had the benefit of seeing what works and what doesn’t. I have seen the confusion that comes with new things and the excitement, plus gone through the ups and the downs of building a home based business.
Because of these experiences and being a major income earner with tens of thousands of people in our team, I have heard and seen it all. The hype, the fear mongering, the stubbornness…you name it I have seen it. I am sure there is more to come and more to experience but I just wanted to lay a foundation for what I am going to be sharing with you in this article.
I don’t believe there has ever been as big a debate raging about how to build a home based business or network marketing business as there is right now. I know there will always be differences of opinions around whether to lead with the product or the business, how to structure, how to promote etc but what I am talking about is the marketing component.
There are two sides to this battle.
On one side you have the traditionalists. The ones who have been around for along time, have had a lot of success and continue to have that success who say: “don’t do online, it is not duplicatable etc etc etc” then you have the other camp. The ones that say: ‘the old way of building your network marketing business is dead and if you keep building it that way you will be left dead in the water and not get anywhere etc etc etc”. I tend to sit in the middle because I have been able to do both and now it is time for me to show you how.
What I have seen is that both sides have been able to build successful businesses and both have positives and negatives.
Both sides don’t want to move. The reason for this, from what I can see is the inability to do what the other side is doing. Meaning the leaders do the other thing because they can not do the other. If you listen to the people promoting online they are saying: “I just couldn’t do what they told me to do” and then the offline guys are saying: “I don’t know how to build a blog or have the time to sit and put an adwords campaign together or have the money to waste in case it does not work”.
Then what happens is that the leaders take their teams in one direction, either offline or online. Instead of meeting the needs of their team by having a system that shows them how to do both, they boycott the idea and say it just doesn’t work, which my experience has proven they are both wrong.
When there is a problem I have always found there is an opportunity.
I needed to do something for my team so they could get the truth and have available both options, We then teach them how to get out of the blocks quickly and start getting results.
I also wanted to protect my team from the onslaught of the fear being perpetuated that offline was dead. You may have seen the ads that are popping up everywhere on google etc. Unfortunately associates who have not been around for long believe those ads and marketing hype. So I set about number 1 proving that it wasn’t (and by the way it isn’t, it is alive and well and growing faster than ever before) and number 2 show them how to combine both the tried tested and proven systems we have always used with the new online strategies that are available today. By the way I have been using online marketing strategies now since 2005 and generating my own leads so I know what I am talking about.
By doing this I have been able to satisfy both camps. Giving them training on what to do and how to do it. We how people how to prospect without rejection and build all of the important people skills we all need to be a true success in business plus we have available training on how to use online social networks like facebook, twitter and youtube.
This is why I developed Dual Networking. The worlds first true system that shows home based business owners and network marketing entrepreneurs how to bring it all together and meet the needs of their business partners, customers and prospects no matter what their desire.
Members of Dual Networking get to see first hand how I work and how I train my team for growth.
In this series I am going to show you how to bring it all together. How to use the offline strategies we have always used and combine them with the new web 2.0 strategies like facebook, twitter, youtube, SEO and adwords.
They do all fit in together and if anyone tells you otherwise they are lying to you.
Stay tuned as I take you through it and help you understand what to do and how to do it…
If you would like to be kept up to date with learning about social network marketing then make sure you subscribe to this site by leaving your details above.
Creativity of strategy and organizational learning represent the alternative from excellence competition had by company as asset able to improve the marketing performance. Strategy creativity had by company can assist the company to peep out the new idea in each planning compilation, peculiarly in compiling marketing strategy. This strategy creativity is supported by factors such as reward which passed to a marketing manager, performance of marketing manager as individual, and performance of marketing manager as working team that exist in company. That way also by improving organizational learning continuously, company quickly can anticipate the change that happened around company through the strategy which application. And with the mechanism expected by a company can improve the its market performance. Internal issue formulation this research is how to improve the marketing performance by developing concept of marketing strategy making through the creativity of strategy and organizational learning. This research aim to make the alternative in the effort improving marketing performance with the development conception the marketing strategy making through the creativity of strategy and organizational learning where reward, individual performance, and performance of working team as variables supporting strategy creativity. This research used population of hotel star in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta amounting to 127 hotel with the its population element that is marketing manager. Sampling technique used is area sampling. Amount of responder determined as sample research is 100 people. Analysis technique weared to interpret and analyse the data in this research with the technique of Structural Equation Model (SEM) from AMOS software package. From data analysis obtained by result where model raised in this research is acceptable, it is shown by index according to where value chi-square 162,742, probability value 0,447, value of TLI 0,998 and value of CFI 0,998, all have up to standard although value of GFI 0,874 and value of AGFI 0,835 marginally accepted. Result of hypothesis examination obtained that reward, individual performance, and performance of working team have an effect on positive to acceptable creativity. This matter is shown by value of Critical Ratio (C.R) to the each hypothesis more than 2,00. Besides hypothesis expressing creativity have an effect on positive to study of organisasional and study organisasional have an effect on positive to acceptable marketing performance also shown by the value of C.R which also more than 2,00. While strategy creativity have an effect on positive to marketing performance is not accepted in this research shown by the value of C.R which is less than 2,00. Kreativitas strategi dan pembelajaran organisasional merupakan alternatif dari keunggulan kompetitif yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan sebagai aset yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran. Kreativitas strategi yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan dapat membantu perusahaan untuk memunculkan ide-ide barn dalam setiap penyusunan perencanaan secara khusus dalam menyusun strategi pemasaran. Kreativitas strategi ini didukung oleh faktor-faktor seperti reward yang diberikan kepada manajer pemasaran, kinerja manajer pemasaran sebagai individu, dan kinerja manajer pemasaran sebagai tim kerja yang ada pada perusahaan. Demikian pula dengan meningkatkan pembelajaran organisasional secara terus-menerus, perusahaan secara cepat dapat mengantisipasi perubahan¬perubahan yang tedadi di sekitar perusahaan melalui strategi-strategi yang diaplikasikan. Dan dengan mekanisme tersebut diharapkan perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kinerja pasarnya. Perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran dengan mengembangkan konsep marketing strategy making melalui kreativitas strategi dan pembelajaran organisasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat alternatif dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran dengan pengembangan konsep marketing strategy making melalui krativitas strategi dan pembelajaran organisasional dimana reward, kinerja individu, dan kinerja tim kerja sebagai variabel-variabel yang mendukung kreativitas strategi. Penelitian ini digunakan populasi hotel-hotel berbintang di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 128 hotel dengan elemen populasinya yaitu manajer pemasaran. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah area sampling. Jumlah responden yang ditentukan sebagai sampel penelitian adalah 100 orang. Teknik analisis yang dipakai untuk menginterpretasikan dan menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan teknik Structural Equation Model (SEM) dari paket software AMOS. Dari analisis data diperoleh hasil dimana model yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini dapat diterima yang ditunjukkan oleh indeks kesesuaian dimana nilai chi-square 162,742, nilai probabilitas 0,447, nilai TLI 0,998 dan nilai CFI 0,998, yang semuanya telah memenuhi syarat walaupun nilai GFI 0,874 dan nilai AGFI 0,835 diterima secara marjinal. Hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh bahwa reward, kinerja individu, dan kinerja tim kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kreativitas dapat diterima. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai C.R untuk masing-masing hipotesis lebih besar dad 2,00. Selain itu hipotesis yang menyatakan kreativitas berpengaruh positif terhadap pembelajaran organisasional dan pembelajaran organisasional berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pemasaran juga dapat diterima yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai C.R yang juga lebih besar dari 2,00. Sedangkan kreativitas strategi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pemasaran tidak diterima dalam penelitian ini yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai C.R yang lebih kecil dari 2,00.
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